The Income Tax Department issued clarification regarding issuance of notices to taxpayers who have already filed Income Tax Returns.


In the intricate world of taxation, communication from the Income Tax Department can sometimes raise eyebrows and cause a bit of concern. Recently, some taxpayers have received notifications from the department regarding transactions they’ve made. Before you jump to conclusions or feel a wave of panic, let’s delve into what these communications mean and how you can navigate through them with ease.

Understanding the Purpose:

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that these communications are not generic notices sent to all taxpayers. Instead, they serve as advisories targeted at specific cases where there appears to be a mismatch between the information disclosed in the Income Tax Return (ITR) and the data received from Reporting Entities during the fiscal year.

The primary objective behind these communications is to facilitate taxpayers and keep them informed about the information available with the Income Tax Department (ITD) regarding their reported transactions. Think of it as a gentle nudge to ensure that your financial records align with the information received from third-party entities.

Navigating the Communication:

If you find yourself among the recipients of such a communication, don’t panic. This is an opportunity for you to review, provide feedback, and take necessary actions online on the Compliance Portal of the ITD. The department aims to make this process as seamless as possible for taxpayers, ensuring that you can address any discrepancies in a timely and efficient manner.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to navigate through the communication:

  1. Understand the Discrepancy: Take a careful look at the communication received and identify the apparent mismatch between the disclosures in your ITR and the information provided by Reporting Entities. Understanding the nature of the discrepancy is crucial before taking any further steps.
  2. Visit the Compliance Portal: Access the Compliance Portal of the ITD to provide your feedback and take corrective actions. The portal is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to navigate through the process with ease. You can access it at your convenience from the comfort of your home or office.
  3. Provide Feedback: Use the platform to provide your feedback regarding the identified discrepancy. This could involve clarifying the nature of the transaction, providing additional documentation, or rectifying any errors in your previously filed returns.
  4. Revise Returns if Necessary: If, after reviewing the communication, you find that a revision to your filed returns is necessary, the Compliance Portal allows you to make these changes. It’s a straightforward process that ensures your financial records accurately reflect the transactions in question.
  5. File Returns if Pending: In cases where you haven’t filed your returns for the specified assessment year, use this opportunity to do so. The ITD encourages taxpayers to complete this process promptly, and the last date for revising or filing belated returns for the Assessment Year 2023-24 is December 31, 2023.
  6. Respond Promptly: Time is of the essence. The ITD requests taxpayers to respond to the communication on priority. Addressing the matter promptly not only helps in resolving the issue but also ensures that you meet any deadlines associated with the revision or filing of returns.

Original Message Sent by Department

Attention Taxpayer

Income Tax Department has identified certain information related to high value transactions, which does not appear to be in line with the Income Tax Return filed by you for the Assessment Year 2023-24 (relating to FY 2022-23). You can view the information on compliance portal. Please submit your response online under e-Campaign tab on Compliance Portal or revise your ITR.

After login to the e-filing Portal (, please go to ”Pending Actions” tab and click on ”Compliance Portal”. On Compliance Portal, navigate to ”e-Campaign tab” and view campaign type ”High Value Transactions” to submit response. If the information has been correctly accounted for in your ITR, you may ignore this message. Thank you, – Income Tax Department


Receiving a communication from the Income Tax Department doesn’t have to be a cause for alarm. Instead, view it as an opportunity to ensure that your financial records align with the information received from Reporting Entities. By responding promptly and navigating through the Compliance Portal, you can address any discrepancies, revise returns if necessary, and file pending returns before the deadline.

Remember, the ITD is here to assist you in maintaining compliance and ensuring a smooth tax-filing process. Stay informed, take proactive steps, and embrace these communications as a means to enhance transparency and accuracy in your financial dealings.


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